Join us to develop the WtE - Decision Support System

Headed by the Global WTERT Council (GWC) WTERT is an international top-tier technical network that brings together engineers, scientists and managers from industry, universities and government with the objective of advancing sustainable waste management on a global scale.

The director and founder of GWC is Mr. Nickolas Themelis, Professor Emeritus at Columbia University.

Our aim is to develop the WTERT Decision Support System  as an open platform that provides access to scientific and technological knowledge. This will serve to help stakeholders all over the world to find good solutions for their problems concerning waste management.

To all municipalities, governmental or non-governmental organizations and experts on every level…

 … if you

  • have solutions or problems to share
  • have papers on new scientific insights or hand-on solutions to a daily issue
  • plan to hold an event related to waste management
  • have news regarding waste management in your country

... please share your knowledge and experience and send an email to: